Wednesday 30 June 2010

Motivation Day

Tommorrow is National Motivation Day and in my current mood I am needing all the motivation I can get. Health problems are making my mood really low at the moment and I'm a bit of a psycho bitch troll from hell. I just had a domestic with thingy over a carrier bag. It's time to look at things in perspective.

What do you need motivating on? I am feeling really frustrated with my career alately. I know I should be grateful to even have a job in the current climate but when you know you are capable of more - argh! So instead of getting sulky (even more) about the situation its time to be pro-active, to motivate myself. My CV needs updating badly. So tommorrow I'm going to revive it from its grim state and give it a much needed update and clean up. Then I'm going to make a list of all the companies I'd love to work with and write up a cover sheet and send that along with my CV to them in a leaflet drop marketing style campaign. If the mountain wont come to cher!

Healthwise - My stomach is giving me hell at the moment and its made me look at my diet and lifestyle. So from tommorrow I aim to:

* Drink a litre and half of water a day
* Make sure I get half an hour to an hour exercise per day
* Eat more fruit and veg
* Stop stressing so much over things I have no control about
* Pamper myself more and be more calm!
* Try to lose half a stone

In other news I got paid today, Can I get a woop woop! In crap news I'm still skint. All my direct debits came out today leaving me skint again for another 4 weeks. Bah! I want a summer dress as a treat and ill be damned if I don't get one. I have my eye on this little beauty which alot of you will probably think eeep but it's so me! DRESS very summery. It will be mine.

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