Tuesday 22 June 2010

Hazy days

Hey gang (anyone.. anywhere..)

The summer has really kicked in weather wise, everything is in place. World cup - tick, Wimbledon - tick, Elsanta strawberries - tick, ripe juicy peaches - tick, pasty men with tops off parading about streets - tick.

Had my second audio typing class today, the server was down for the first half hour so we did some homophone work which made me feel about 5 years old (I aint homophonic!). Then we did practice on reports and tables from the audio, found it quite easy but I think because I have nearly finished my level 3 in text processing and I know how picky the OCR tutors are its really helped. The exam isn't until November though. How far away?! but we do get the school summer holidays off as a break so at least we aren't expected to go every week to be bored out of our brains. In teachers pet news - she's still bugging me.

Have been for a walk with thingy tonight around the old colliery site we live near. Barnsley is full of disused sites, but this has been regenerated with lots of trees, a small pond, flowers and lots of fields to walk through. We must have walked about 3 miles. We then walked through the church graveyard in the village. I know it sounds morbid but I'm fascinated with old gravestones. These were from as early as 1800. Most of the people had died around the age of 30 which really hit home. They weren't that much older than I am now. It's a beautiful church and really well maintained and it had this lovely feeling of peace. I'm not going to become a goth and hang about cemeteries from now on or owt but it was a brilliant walk (bar the bit where I thought we were lost) and we agreed to definitely do it again in our get fit quest.

Money spent today - £8. I failed to not spend! but but but.. we needed bread and milk and chocolate dammit. Must try harder.

Hope you are having a fruitful week! Good luck England!!!!!!!!

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