Saturday 19 June 2010

Spendaholics unite.

Just been having tea (prepared by thingy, tagitelle & pork chop - GORGEOUS and a surprising combination that worked, v well. I is a bloated pig) and caught a repeat of the old programme Spendaholics. I think it used to be on BBC3? The premise is people in debt who spend needlessly and endlessly get counselled and given a budget and an overhaul of how they spend. Alot of the time spending is down to emotions, undealt with issues and a need to cover up the cracks in life. Its scarey how quickly these people fall into debt and its something I can relate to. Although I'm not in debt per se, I do have a next catalogue which I'm ever so fond of spreeing on when things are a bit shitty. Also I had an egg card which I balance transferred to my bank and have refused to spend on and am paying off slowly but surely. At one time in my life I was off work sick and leant on the egg card as a way of getting by and treating myself but it racked up quite alot of debt quickly, the interest felt like it was drowning me and it became a real worry. Once its paid off, I will never ever get another credit card. It just isnt worth the worry it gave me.

The programme has got me thinking about how often I spend and if I really need the things I buy. Take for instance today.. I've spent 70 quid in the space of 2 hours. Yikes. Paying a mobile bill for a phone I don't use but havent cancelled the contract of (have since cancelled when the aburdity hit me), food shopping, dental stuff for poorly gums and coffee with thingy. It's so easily done and afterwards I get really frustrated with myself. I need to start saving for lots of things in the future, a new house, car, holidays! I just can't seem to stop myself when I know the money is there in my bank. It's something I'm going to make a real effort with kerbing (or is it curbing?!). If I make a note of how much I spend and what on everyday at the end of my blog posts, it might make me realise how wasteful I'm being.. or um something like that. Anyone in the same predicament? Help me out!!

BTW if anyone is still wondering what was in the packages at the post office, it was 4 books I won from twitter comps!! All good stuff and now sat next to my bed waiting to be read. Comping is thrifty!! I can't remember the last time I bought a book.

Hope you are all having savvy saturdays
SKINT CHER!!!!!!!!!!

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