Saturday, 14 August 2010

Tantruming Toddlers aren't fun.

Yesterday was a Friday 13th to remember.

Work was fine, bar very sad at the moment, the Alzheimer's ward I work on is closing at the end of this month as many PCT trusts don't have an inpatient ward solely for Alzheimer's/Dementia patients so our trust is following suit and 'testing for a 6 month period' strengthening the community care memory team where patients are treated/supported living in their home. Also spot purchasing 2/3 beds in other local trust hospitals for patients who get to the stage where they can't be cared for adequately at home. We have had 3 weeks notice of this plan and although we knew something was on the horizon it is such a shame to have to leave the ward and the lovely people I work with. Their a credit to the NHS and the patients are treated with such warmth and genuine care, I think it will be a much missed ward and I'm hoping after the 6 month trial they realise this. Although money seems to matter more than care at the moment I've noticed.

The last couple of weeks together have brought us all together even more and yesterday we had music on for the patients (they love dancing and sing alongs!) and a nurse brought in chocolate cake for us all.. hurrah. Bugger the diet for one morning.

After work I had a dental appointment for a crown fitting and scale/polish. I'm a total weed when it comes to dentists. I have to have IV Sedation for most dental procedures after this one time (in band camp) when I totally freaked out mid filling and tried to get off the chair. I hate not being in a control, it's one of my 'quirks'. I panic. I suspect I have generalised anxiety disorder anyway but it really puts the proverbial willies up me. I sweat, my legs physically shake and its a huge ordeal for me. I am getting better in some ways, I can now do a full check up and I managed to have a numbing injection and polish and scale not too long back without flipping mon lid but it's a rather pathetic melodramatic affair once I lose my nerve *blush*.

I had 10mg of Temazepam prior to the appointment - told you I'm a wuss - and once at the dentist with my sister holding my hand they pumped the good shit in! I have no recollection of the next hour, getting off the chair, out of the dentist or driving home. I just remember landing on the bed and falling to sleep. Apparently all I kept repeating in the car on the way home was 'I'm tired' and 'I'm knackered'. Very eloquent. If you are a nervous wreck like me at the dentist, find a place that does sedation - it makes life SO much easier.

Thennn, at night me and bloke had promised to babysit my 2year old nephew whilst my sister went to her friends for a few girly hours. This doesn't happen much and she is a stressed out mom so I was happy to oblige. She promised he would 'fall asleep laid on your knee watching TV about 9ish'. Well. That didn't happen. Before she left she told him 'Mummy is going to the shop'. Mistake number one - He expected her to arrive back pretty sharpish. Consequently all night long (all night, all night long!) he wanted mummy.

Me - Are you going to put your pyjamas on for aunty cher?

Him - No, mummy do it. Mummy at shop. Back soon.

Me - Mummy back later, lets put your pyjamas on like a good boy.


I finally cajoled him into wearing them by complimenting their stripey design. Getting him to sleep however, was harder. We had tantrums, tears, lots of tears. 'MUMMY BACK SOON, CAN'T SLEEP'. We had the light on, the light off, the sound on the tv on/off, banished the dog to the kitchen, put on child friendly tv, were quiet as mice. Yet he wouldn't give in to mother sleep!

Cue half ten. Yes. 10.30pm. (Mother was due back at bloody 11pm). He fell asleep. We sighed, relieved. My body felt lighter. I was me once more! Bloke had him on his knee, he slowly stood up, carried him to bed, laid him down and put the blanket over him and crept out the room. Then walked into the ladder at the top of the stairs. 'waaaaaaaaaah MUMMY'.

It was 10.50pm by the time he succumbed to zeds. We were shells of our former selves. Sister found it hilarious. I didn't even get to see the Big Brother eviction, we didn't even have time to raid the fridge of left babysitter privilege nibbles... I have a distinct feeling my oestrogen levels have dropped this morning. The broody wench within is a withered wreck.

How I love my nephews!

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