Saturday, 28 August 2010

Better luck next time lads! (+foot update!)

I have a claim to fame. Mild fame. On Wednesday I went to the Carnegie 9's rugby tournament at Headingley. Its a mini knockout with 9 players aside playing for a total of 15 minutes each game with 12 teams participating. It was a heavy rugger sesh with me sat on my (frozen) ass 6 hours watching the rugged thighs.. I mean quality games on show.

The winners were the Wigan Warriors in a close final with Bradford Bulls. Well done to those. Anyhow when I came back from the burger van (my first burger in literally yonks, with cheese, and onions and ketchup and calorie laden.. for shame) feeling like a guilty heifer I arrived back to my seat to find someone sat next to me. Martin Offiah of ye olde rugby league fame with some hot young upcoming talent. I was overcome with mild starstruckness. Then I realised I had a burger dripping with fat and had to consume it whilst looking sophisticated, stylish and every bit the fox that I am (COUGH). I was mortified. It went down in lumps. Eeesh.

Hours later when coming back from getting a hot chocolate from said burger van I attempted a composed ascent climbing over one of the seats to get to my own. This was not a good idea. Next time ask people to stand and shuffle past to seat - mental note. I landed face down on my seat with my rump in the air, the bloke sat in the chair behind bent down and said 'y'alright love?' whilst I saw my in laws sniggering at me. Total Bridget Jone's moment. Cringe.

Today the Rhino's were facing Warrington in the Challenge cup final - the equivalent of the FA Cup in football. We've had high hopes and eagerly awaited the game, the lads have played really well this season and although Warrington are up there with the best I thought we might have a chance. So with cuppa tea in hand and 6 pieces of galaxy (I've fallen off the wagon this week) me and bloke sat down to watch what we hoped would be a classic.


It was a classic for all the wrong reasons! Outplayed, outclassed by a better team, it all turned out to be pretty embarrassing. I'm sat next to a boyfriend who has the onset of clinical depression due to the turnout. In two words - bad times.

cue gratuitous Ryan Hall shot to perk me up

We still have a shot at being league champions nevertheless so looking on the bright side at least we didn't pay to go to Wembley and be depressed, we had the luxury of our own sofa!


It's sodding killing after a lovely morning walking around Meadowhall with a good friend. How long does fricking tendonitis last? How does one rid itself of it? How can you make bandages look sexy? By having pink toe gelled nails?


I am aware my blog is turning into a bit of a foot fetishers fantasy (try saying that 3 times really quick) but this foot is DRIVING ME MAD. I long to walk in the countryside without having to stop and smack myself up on gas and air. Life was so carefree before I attempted the getting fit thing, now my foot is painful diva that demands rest and deep heat daily. I have a life foot! You have to let up and let me live it!!!

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