Saturday, 7 August 2010

Anyone for ruggers?

Since meeting thingy I have gotten into/been dragged kicking and screaming into the world of rugby. Living in Barnsley I was used to football (It really isn't like watching Brazil anymore) so it was a whole new world. I had the preconception women at rugby matches would be a bit, and I hate stereotyping and being a complete ignoramus, but butch .. with pint glasses and man haircuts! So I was really surprised when I went and saw girly girls with designer clothes and, fair do's - pint glasses. The game really drew me in too. I'm still not fully up to grips with the rules but I have the basic gist and I bloody love it. I watched a bit of the Leeds v Derby footie match today and it seemed so soft and wet in comparison. Where are the beefy men who aren't afraid to tackle headfirst like its life or death?! MAN UP PANSIES.

Anyhow with this new rugby blood running through me, and thingy wanting to get fitter and back into rugby (he used to play alot) we bought us a rugby ball t'other day in town. Behind us is a big football/cricket field where we have started exercising with the ball. Doing drop kicks and passes and 'plays'. Yes it involves actual bodily movement that isn't from the sofa > fridge and back. At first I was an utter wench, I screamed when the ball came hurtling towards me, ran in the other direction and shouted at thingy for throwing it 'too hard'. Slowly I have got more confidence, I like the challenge of catching a fast ball. I want to kick it higher and longer. I get proud when thingy says good kick! Plus we have both noticed our fitness levels improving. We aren't potential London Olympic 2012 challengers just yet but the endorphin affect from getting ruddy cheeks and mud on my trainers is totally worth it! Exercise takes my mind off everything and while I'm feeling well (ish!) I relish it.

If you ever get chance watch a Rugby League match cough#leedsrhinos# cough. The atmosphere at live games isn't captured on t'box but you might enjoy it too.

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