Tuesday, 24 August 2010


Hello followers! and friends! and people thoroughly bored \o

Alas I am back from the wilderness, poorly foot in tow. I am existing in a comfy shoe world where I hobble in (classy) old skool crocs with my foot in a bandage and a limp that would make Jolly Rodger proud. Everything is taking ten times longer to do, walking around the tesco feels like the London Marathon! I feel I am being a bit wussy-fied though, I had it X-rayed at the weekend and nothing is broke, no fracture (even though it was suspected!!), NOT EVEN A HAIRLINE ONE. There is nothing to call anything, the doctor said its tendonitis caused by extreme exercise, any exercise to me is extreme so I took his word for it. I am left with a swollen, bruised foot and a dented ego left from my first foray into the world of 'getting fit'. I have to carry on resting it which I'm finding thoroughly easy to get used to.

In good news I have lost more poundage!!!! I got weighed and from my initial freak out where I realised I was the heaviest I had ever been to this here now moment, I have lost 6 pounds. WOOP. I had a bad day yesterday though, think bread rolls laden with hearty salty butter and you get the gist. So I'm trying to be extra strict today. I want to be a lean goddess with thighs that can crush grapes. It will happen. I will be a comfortable size 12 if I have to go to the most extremest of measures.. giving up my latte's.. but I'm not in that place just yet.

Work is winding down ready for the big move, I finish on the ward on the 3rd of September - harumph. I'm moving to an office I'm quite familiar with but a bit out of my comfort zone, I don't like change. The ward is like my home from home. From listening to the patients singing to the nurses making me laugh and bringing me biscuits (bad nurses), I am going to miss it with all my heart. I hope it is just a temporary measure for 6 months and they realise they need our service but I don't think they will. So for now I'm tying loose ends up on the ward, cleaning my desk out and making the most of the company. People with Alzheimer's and mainly Dementia often have a stigma attached, people have a horrid preconception which is totally wrong, I have met the loveliest patient's who I often wished I could have as adopted grandparents. They need caring for and not pushing into care homes needlessly when the right treatment could make the difference needed to stay at home. I'm really passionate about this cause and hope to work my career around making a difference somehow to these people.

Now follower's I haven't forgotten about the reviews I promised. I have a shiny new pair of Birkenstock's from the lovely people at www.rubbersole.co.uk to review and I can't wait to do it, just hampered a tad by the swollen foot situation :| I am on it like car bonnet though, so keep checking for updates!!

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