Living in the same town 28 years can lead to a problem. What new stuff can you do to occupy your leisure time that you haven't done a million times before. The same old places and faces can make you feel like your an extra in groundhog day soon enough. So this Sunday morning with the sun shining and the sky blue I wanted to do something other than face the pile of ironing lain before me. It's been a lean month what with the car screwing up its MOT then needing taxing so money is tight. So the quandry was where to go? what to do!
We live close to a garden centre that's good for a cuppa tea and a mooze around stuff you really don't need to buy but when you see it you suddenly need it (i.e. potato shaped potato peeler - I actually don't know how I'm surviving without one of those bad boys) but after calling my sister asking for activity inspiration she told me it had a secret garden with a maze and deer. So me and bloke went to investigate.
We were really surprised to find, it was actually rather good fun. It was free to go in but donations were accepted to help fund the renovation of the gardens. I have always ALWAYS wanted to go in a maze since watching Labyrinth and so I couldn't wait to get in the maze. I was pretty confident that we would have no trouble getting out and it would be a fairly obvious route out. What I didn't count on was 1) The divebombing killer wasps that came out of the hedge every 2 steps and 2) It was actually impossible to get out of the bloody maze. We failed to get out after shouting for help and walking around with me saying 'Im getting a bit claustrophobic now' between hyperventilating with giggles! Pathetically I was relieved to find the entrance to the maze to get out of the blimmin' thing, I virtually flung myself out.
After composing myself oncemore we ventured through the 'secret gardens' aptly signposted secret. They were truly beautiful, all the different colours of flowers and fragrant trees. There was a real atmosphere and it was one of those places you know is steeped in history. It was so peaceful and we enjoyed walking through admiring it all! That's one sign I'm getting closer to the big 3-0, one time of the day I wouldn't have appreciated it at all, I'd have been more bothered with stuffing my face with cheesecake in the cafe.. obviously I don't do this now. Ahem.
Anyway to finish I've uploaded a few photos!
This is one bloke took aloft the hedges in the maze - it doesn't do it justice at all. It looks fairly easy to vacate. Nay, I challenge thee to do it in less than half an hour! C'est impossible.

Here is the mini maze in the 'Secret Gardens' - so pretty :)

And to finish here is me and bloke doing the take the photo with one hand to make it look like someone else is doing it pose - I look knackered. That's what insomnia does for thi!

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