- A new sofa from Homebase - me and the fiance are going to be moving soon into our first proper house together, as opposed to a ickle flat in which we can't swing the cat (not that I've tried RSPCA!). We have very little to nothing to put in said house so a priority is something to rest my tush on after a hard days work at that there psychiatric hospital, so I jumped at a comfortable looking chocolate coloured corner sofa!
- A trip to Venice with Easyjet. Now I have overcome my fear of flying this is right up there with my life's ambitions. I have heard LOTS about this beautiful place from a work colleague who has recently visited and now I dream of floating down a canal way on a gondola, surrounded by beautiful architecture and eating fine cuisine - who wouldn't?!
- GO APE - yes I'm getting brave in my thirties. Years back I would have quaked in my boots at the thought of zipping along tree tops metres off the floor like a deranged chimp however now this is right up my alleyway.. it sounds like such a fun day out that would create so many funny memories, I would invite friends and make a real day of it!
- Oxfam Unwrapped 'Feed a Family' - This initiative is a fab idea - in the Western World we are so gloriously gluttonous and forget about those less fortunate, who dont have the luxury of such nutritious food. Here's more info - After a crisis, this gift gives people food vouchers for exchanging with local traders- helping producers and kick-starting the local economy.
Cher Chats
Girly Crohn's survivor with an addiction to freebies, bargains and competitions, an uncanny nack of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and a magnetic attraction to the weird and wonderful in life.
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Pin for Points Nectar Competition #pinforpoints
Monday, 2 January 2012
Looking back.. I didn't stick to any of last year's resolutions, only the inevitable one that I couldn't get out of which was turning 30.
The mere thought pre-30 was FEAR. 30 had always seemed so.. old! However since turning the big 30 I have realised I can still be immature at this age \o/ Alarmingly the thing I always lamented - looking young for my age - appears to have disappeared, gone are the days I got I.D'ed for buying sparklers/glue, now I can get a 12 pack of fosters and a packet of regal blue (not that I smoke) without a flinch of suspicion from the checkout jobsworth. It cuts like a knife! My boyfriend annoyingly reminds me this is what I always wanted, however now I am beginning to look my age (grey hair sprouting, wrinkles, withered look) I long for my yooful babyface. Be careful what you wish for!
So here is to 2012 - coming off my humira treatment in a month, finding a new home and exploring planet earth more than the great plains of Dodworth muck stack (joke for Barnsley readers - of which there are none. Tumbleweed). I hope it brings you all you wish for!
Sunday, 2 January 2011
Happy 2011!
1 - To blog like no cher has blogged before. (and keep it up)
2 - To eat healthily and lose the christmas chub I have amounted round my tush and my mush.
3 - To pay off debts and to save for a house!
4 - To live life fully for I am the big 3 0 in September. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Major age milestone!
So I hope you forgive me for my pure idleness and heres to many more mindless, yet necessary blog posts!
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Sunday Moozing
It gave me a flashback to being with my dad, I don't have many dad memories as I haven't spoke to him since I was 16 (I'm 29 this month), but as a young 'un he took me and my sister to Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Being the devoted daddy's girl I was I jumped at the chance of going on the Dodgems with him. My resounding memory of that is trying to stifle the tears as someone ripped it up and dodged the crap outta us! I fear my Dodgems terror may never subside. As I looked at a random little 3 year old happily sat next to his Dad last night in sheer delight as they crashed into our side (I tried to censor my potty mouth), I smiled and remembered that memory, albeit a bit tainted, but being by your dad's side and them feeling like the coolest dad ever to you at that stage is a pretty awesome feeling.
Anyhow today we went to Bakewell, in the Peak District. Cue the info - CLICK . It was an off the cuff idea and somewhere I've heard about before and always wanted to go. Googlemaps quoted 40 minutes to get there, it took us an hour and half :| I think they base their times on The Stig driving.
It turned out to be a brilliant day and I took some photos to share with you lot.

The river view, very scenic and loads of Canadian geese and ducks (although they seem to have deserted this shot!) methinks they survive on the chips being thrown from tourists as...

They have so many chip shops close to the river so tourists sit on benches and nom nom their way through the most delicious chips I have ever tasted. Bloke got a large portion and was promptly thrown into shock by being handed a carton filled with a kilo's worth of chipped scrummy potatoes. If you would have pricked him ten minutes later, your fork would be covered in taties. Needless to say he didn't finish the box and was defeated by the power of the chip.

To wash it down he had a pint and I had a vodka and coke. Do you get the feeling my diet isn't going well? It gets worse.

After looking through some quaint shops...

and wandering around Bakewell more... we felt we had to get a momento of our visit in the form of -

a proper Bakewell Tart from an authentic Bakewell Tart shop. Nom Nom. It went down a treat when we got home. Delicioso!
I like days like today. Forsooth enjoy today, for tomorrow the diet starts again.
Friday, 3 September 2010
Birko Babe!
My Preconception
Until last month I was judgemental. I had a fixed impression of the 'type' of person who would wear Birkenstock's cough-hippy, festival loving, cool, uber trendy-cough and cast them aside from my potential shoe buying list as 'not me' and too out of my foot league. However one hot, humid day in a busy shopping mall I meandered over to the Birkenstock display. See it had a crowd of people looking at one pair of shoes - the Gizeh - and I got nosey. This often happens, I get the feeling I'm missing out on something and have to fulfil my curious streak by sticking my neb in too. I discovered the object of their desire and on the lookout for some comfy summer footwear myself, thought they might be worth a shot at trying on. The point I slipped my feet into them, I instantly knew I had to have a pair. See it was like my feet were on small clouds of fluffy air. I didn't want to take them off. I spent 15 minutes gazing at the different array of colours (so cute!) and being skint, my boyfriend had to drag me away, kicking and screaming.
My own pair!!
Thanks to the lovely people at www.rubbersole.co.uk (have a mooze around, you know you want to!) I got the opportunity to purchase some of my own. How utterly fab!!! I had been daydreaming of these beauties for a while and was overcome with shoe happiness. A new pair of shoes - is there any other joy equal to this?!
I plumped for the Gizeh in Mocca colour, Size 4 and was impressed with the efficient next day delivery I received (recorded) which comes free with your order!
Here is how they looked on the website RRP £39.99
Very swish n'est pas?
The website also proffered the following info:
Since 1774, Birkenstock have been making these iconic sandals. Designed and manufactured in Germany, this is a family owned business whose goal is to produce the best sandals in the world. High quality materials and unique construction give durable comfort and long lasting style. The concept of Birkenstock is easily understood when one considers the design of our feet and the mechanics of walking. Each contour in a Birkenstock footbed is precisely placed to stretch, flex and move naturally. Your feet benefit from free movement, constant exercise and improved circulation, resulting in long lasting comfort and better health.
- Upper: birko-flor
- Sole: cork/latex
- Contoured sole
- Comfortable
- Durable
- Classic design
- Made in Germany
The Gizeh arriveth!

Tragedy then struck in the form of left foot tendonitis :O

Damn those pesky tendons - My foot was so swollen it wouldn't fit in the blimmin Birkenstocks. So I waited, I bided my time, I limped around the house with one foot bandaged and the other adorned with the Gizeh.
Apologies for weird small freakish toe action occurring :|
I was determined to enjoy the luxurious feeling of comfort and aaaaaaaah albeit with one foot :|
Gizeh thoughts!
Slowly but surely as my left foot has deflated I have begun to wear both - outlandish thinking I know - and I love them. I don't know why I dismissed Birkenstock Sandals as 'not me'. They have so many different styles ~ click me to view ~ such complimentary, vibrant colours and due to the sole of the Birkenstock being contoured to stretch, flex and help your foot move naturally the benefit is noticeable within a few days.
I was worried the toe post would rub against my foot and irritate my skin but that hasn't happened. They are easily the most comfortable shoes I have owned, and comparable with Havaianas and Hush Puppies for making me feel like I have slipped my feet in a veritable dry foot spa! I also have very wide feet, a family trait, and spaced out freakish toes, but although my small toe sometimes make leaps at freedom they fit well. The quality is superb and I predict they will last me many future summers to come. They go with any outfit and are so easy to slip on and off. They are ideal summer footwear for taking to the beach, festivals, picnics in the park etc and being so lightweight you can carry them in your handbag for impromptu Birkenstock moments!
If you fancy sampling some Birko's yourself or any other shoe on www.rubbersole.co.uk, the lovely people have gave me the code 'cherchats' for you to enter at the basket stage of ordering for a 10% discount. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
The Verdict
If you have never looked at Birkenstock Shoes in this way before, take another look. They are definite growers that stand alone and unique in the footwear world. Besides the Gizeh there are many more styles to choose from that appeal to people of all ages and tastes ~ Birkenstock Website Linky. Crafted to ensure maximum tootsie health and comfort, besides looking bloody well fabulous they may be the missing element of summer footwear from your wardrobe. Reasonably priced, very durable and providing comfort to tired, stressed out, well worn summer feet, they spring you back into action and are perky, happy little shoes that deserve a second look. I would highly recommend to all my friends.
Happy weekend all! From a newly converted Birko Babe!
sources - www.rubbersole.co.uk and www.birkenstock.co.uk
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Better luck next time lads! (+foot update!)
The winners were the Wigan Warriors in a close final with Bradford Bulls. Well done to those. Anyhow when I came back from the burger van (my first burger in literally yonks, with cheese, and onions and ketchup and calorie laden.. for shame) feeling like a guilty heifer I arrived back to my seat to find someone sat next to me. Martin Offiah of ye olde rugby league fame with some hot young upcoming talent. I was overcome with mild starstruckness. Then I realised I had a burger dripping with fat and had to consume it whilst looking sophisticated, stylish and every bit the fox that I am (COUGH). I was mortified. It went down in lumps. Eeesh.
Hours later when coming back from getting a hot chocolate from said burger van I attempted a composed ascent climbing over one of the seats to get to my own. This was not a good idea. Next time ask people to stand and shuffle past to seat - mental note. I landed face down on my seat with my rump in the air, the bloke sat in the chair behind bent down and said 'y'alright love?' whilst I saw my in laws sniggering at me. Total Bridget Jone's moment. Cringe.
Today the Rhino's were facing Warrington in the Challenge cup final - the equivalent of the FA Cup in football. We've had high hopes and eagerly awaited the game, the lads have played really well this season and although Warrington are up there with the best I thought we might have a chance. So with cuppa tea in hand and 6 pieces of galaxy (I've fallen off the wagon this week) me and bloke sat down to watch what we hoped would be a classic.
It was a classic for all the wrong reasons! Outplayed, outclassed by a better team, it all turned out to be pretty embarrassing. I'm sat next to a boyfriend who has the onset of clinical depression due to the turnout. In two words - bad times.
cue gratuitous Ryan Hall shot to perk me up
We still have a shot at being league champions nevertheless so looking on the bright side at least we didn't pay to go to Wembley and be depressed, we had the luxury of our own sofa!
It's sodding killing after a lovely morning walking around Meadowhall with a good friend. How long does fricking tendonitis last? How does one rid itself of it? How can you make bandages look sexy? By having pink toe gelled nails?

I am aware my blog is turning into a bit of a foot fetishers fantasy (try saying that 3 times really quick) but this foot is DRIVING ME MAD. I long to walk in the countryside without having to stop and smack myself up on gas and air. Life was so carefree before I attempted the getting fit thing, now my foot is painful diva that demands rest and deep heat daily. I have a life foot! You have to let up and let me live it!!!
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Alas I am back from the wilderness, poorly foot in tow. I am existing in a comfy shoe world where I hobble in (classy) old skool crocs with my foot in a bandage and a limp that would make Jolly Rodger proud. Everything is taking ten times longer to do, walking around the tesco feels like the London Marathon! I feel I am being a bit wussy-fied though, I had it X-rayed at the weekend and nothing is broke, no fracture (even though it was suspected!!), NOT EVEN A HAIRLINE ONE. There is nothing to call anything, the doctor said its tendonitis caused by extreme exercise, any exercise to me is extreme so I took his word for it. I am left with a swollen, bruised foot and a dented ego left from my first foray into the world of 'getting fit'. I have to carry on resting it which I'm finding thoroughly easy to get used to.
In good news I have lost more poundage!!!! I got weighed and from my initial freak out where I realised I was the heaviest I had ever been to this here now moment, I have lost 6 pounds. WOOP. I had a bad day yesterday though, think bread rolls laden with hearty salty butter and you get the gist. So I'm trying to be extra strict today. I want to be a lean goddess with thighs that can crush grapes. It will happen. I will be a comfortable size 12 if I have to go to the most extremest of measures.. giving up my latte's..
Work is winding down ready for the big move, I finish on the ward on the 3rd of September - harumph. I'm moving to an office I'm quite familiar with but a bit out of my comfort zone, I don't like change. The ward is like my home from home. From listening to the patients singing to the nurses making me laugh and bringing me biscuits (bad nurses), I am going to miss it with all my heart. I hope it is just a temporary measure for 6 months and they realise they need our service but I don't think they will. So for now I'm tying loose ends up on the ward, cleaning my desk out and making the most of the company. People with Alzheimer's and mainly Dementia often have a stigma attached, people have a horrid preconception which is totally wrong, I have met the loveliest patient's who I often wished I could have as adopted grandparents. They need caring for and not pushing into care homes needlessly when the right treatment could make the difference needed to stay at home. I'm really passionate about this cause and hope to work my career around making a difference somehow to these people.
Now follower's I haven't forgotten about the reviews I promised. I have a shiny new pair of Birkenstock's from the lovely people at www.rubbersole.co.uk to review and I can't wait to do it, just hampered a tad by the swollen foot situation :| I am on it like car bonnet though, so keep checking for updates!!