Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Dear Blogosphere

Today has been a bit of a blah day. I got some blood test results back which showed my ferritin levels were really depleted (they were 10 and the normal range is between 20-300) so I have been put on iron tablets. Cue the black poo. It will go some way to explaining why I have had to psyche myself up to move off the sofa lately. On the way back from the docs I stopped at the farm shop for some iron rich foods to get my ferritin a'breeding. Brocolli, spinach (does anyone else say spinach and think popeye?) and a bit of liver. Bleh. I also purchased a fresh strawberry cheesecake on the offchance they had genetically modified the strawberries on it so they stored iron. Or something like that.

As a result of being off work ill with this viral thing I have had time to ingest a lot of crap information from daytime tv/twitter. My favourites today were 'topical' such as the existence of a psychic octopus that has predicted all World Cup matches correctly, the hunt for Raoul Moat and a lot of funny/unPC jokes take for instance this tweet;

Mistress Kay Burley hath been dispatch'd to Rothbury to help apprehend th' murderer. 'Tis enough to make any man renounce his weapon.Tue Jul 06 13:17:06 via web

I love how twitter is like sitting at home with a bunch of friends, some who annoy, some who make you laugh and some who talk crap (thankfully you can sort the wood from the chaff) and you end up with an instant stream of support, giggling sessions and virtual friendship. I used to be a real advocate of facebook but then I discovered it was more about noseying at peoples photos and the state of their personal life than real conversation or bonding! Once you get to grips with twitter it's fab. On days like today when thingy has been working in Newcastle and all my family and friends are working, it really makes a huge difference - you don't feel alone. Granted you can't beat proper human contact but social networking has reached out to a lot of lonely people I'm guessing!

BTW if you do follow me, @spritneybeers, I apologise for the competitions! I am always up for a chat though so give me a buzz!

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