I have well and truly gotten into Pinterest - the online scrapbook for bits in the world wide interweb that take your fancy. It's a great way of keeping an online memory bank of things that jump out at me as great gifts, foods I want to try, clothes I lust for or places I've love to visit! Also it's an awesome way to enter creative competitions that require just that lil bit more effort and thought than your average competition.
A fab competition I've seen recently is this one here from the lovely folks at confused.com Competition Link - they have teamed up with the ever so delightful peeps at Nectar (am I doing enough sucking up do you think?!) to offer a prize of 60, 000 Nectar Points, yes you ready that correctly, to the lucky winner of a Pinterest Comp in which folks must draw up a wishlist of 20 items they would spend a million Nectar Points on. Now this really got my interest. As an avid retail therapy addict I could have pinned for weeks on end.. believe me there is lots I am after at the moment! But selected highlights from my wishlist (here for your viewing pleasure http://pinterest.com/cher1981/what-id-do-with-a-million-nectar-points/) included:
- A new sofa from Homebase - me and the fiance are going to be moving soon into our first proper house together, as opposed to a ickle flat in which we can't swing the cat (not that I've tried RSPCA!). We have very little to nothing to put in said house so a priority is something to rest my tush on after a hard days work at that there psychiatric hospital, so I jumped at a comfortable looking chocolate coloured corner sofa!
- A trip to Venice with Easyjet. Now I have overcome my fear of flying this is right up there with my life's ambitions. I have heard LOTS about this beautiful place from a work colleague who has recently visited and now I dream of floating down a canal way on a gondola, surrounded by beautiful architecture and eating fine cuisine - who wouldn't?!
- GO APE - yes I'm getting brave in my thirties. Years back I would have quaked in my boots at the thought of zipping along tree tops metres off the floor like a deranged chimp however now this is right up my alleyway.. it sounds like such a fun day out that would create so many funny memories, I would invite friends and make a real day of it!
- Oxfam Unwrapped 'Feed a Family' - This initiative is a fab idea - in the Western World we are so gloriously gluttonous and forget about those less fortunate, who dont have the luxury of such nutritious food. Here's more info - After a crisis, this gift gives people food vouchers for exchanging with local traders- helping producers and kick-starting the local economy.
So there you go - my wishlist is eclectic to say the least - a real myriad of things I long for, that would make life a little easier and experiences I just cant afford in reality! Who wouldn't dare to dream?!